Thoughts on UX and UI

Ricardo Sanchez
1 min readJan 29, 2021

From the article “The 3 Big Differences Between UX And UI Design By Alan Smith”, I was able to get solid understanding between the differentiation between UX design and UI design. From my initial take from the read, UX deals with the product’s entire build, from start to finish, and UI deals with the final results with evaluating the interactions of the end-users. Pretty much UX deals with the functions desired by the clients that aren’t apparent right away and UI deals with what can be seen and physically interacted with by the end-users. That analogy with the house, describing the hidden features such as the plumbing as the UX and the visible features such as faucets as the UI, helped me come to that understanding as well. Something I thought of with that analogy came in the form of the nerves within my body as the UX and my sense of feeling as the UI; at least I hope I’m on the right track with that analogy. With this concept of the difference/ symbiosis between UX and UI in mind, the later bits about how important it is to understand said differences became sound advice to avoid frustrating and awkward miscommunications between the employer and applicant. Another side effect of this article I got was some extra thought of what counts as UX and UI with my interaction with my Canon Rebel T7 camera I plan to present.

